About Me

This blog is a way for me to keep track of my New Year's Resolutions to buy one new food (and eat it eventually) every time I go to the grocery store! I hope to keep it interesting by researching facts about the foods that I buy and eat!I will also give reviews about the each food... I know this is ridiculous, but I think it might be fun :-)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Crunchy Nut Roasted Nut & Honey

One of my earlier blog posts was on Crunchy Nut Golden Honey Nut.. I liked that cereal so much that I decided to try the other flavor.... Crunchy Nut Roasted Nut & Honey. While the other flavor was made with corn flakes... this type is a "sweet corn and oat" O-shaped cereal. Each O is topped with tiny pieces of roasted peanuts and is drizzled with honey.

The cereal is nice and crunchy.. great for snacking.. but also great with milk! The flavor reminds me a bit of the original Cap'n Crunch flavor.. but it is not nearly as sweet or artificial tasting. The cereal is frankly addictive to the point where you feel like you could eat the entire box. You don't have to feel bad about eating the whole box though because there are only 100 calories in 3/4 of a cup.

I might dare to say that this is my new favorite cereal!

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