About Me

This blog is a way for me to keep track of my New Year's Resolutions to buy one new food (and eat it eventually) every time I go to the grocery store! I hope to keep it interesting by researching facts about the foods that I buy and eat!I will also give reviews about the each food... I know this is ridiculous, but I think it might be fun :-)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lucky Duck Wine

Walking through Wal-mart I "stumbled" upon the beer and wine aisle..I still think it is weird that alcoholic beverages can be sold in grocery stores in North Carolina.. but anyways...I decided to look to see if there was any wine on sale. There wasn't but there was wine for a little more than $3.00... how do you pass that up?

The brand is called "Lucky Duck" (developed by Dragon Rouge) and they have 5 different types of wine from around the world including Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon from Chile, Chardonnay from South Eastern Australia, Shiraz from Australia and Malbec from Argentina."

I chose the Malbec variety because I have never had a Malbec wine before. The description on the bottle is: Malbec from Argentina: deep aromas of blueberries and chocolate. Enjoy lucky duck alone or paired with grilled meats, vegetables, or sharp cheeses.

 The labeling is quite attractive as there is a duck on each bottle that is adapted to the culture of each of the countries from which it originated!

So I didn't expect a lot from a $3 bottle of wine. But I was pleasantly surprised! It was tasty on its own... it had a fairly bold and fruity flavor. It did seem a bit on the dry but I definitely enjoyed it. Yummmy - WOULD BUY AGAIN!

Do don't bother to buy a $20 bottle of wine when you could buy 6 bottles of Lucky Duck for the same price!

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