About Me

This blog is a way for me to keep track of my New Year's Resolutions to buy one new food (and eat it eventually) every time I go to the grocery store! I hope to keep it interesting by researching facts about the foods that I buy and eat!I will also give reviews about the each food... I know this is ridiculous, but I think it might be fun :-)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Newman's Own Lighten Up Low Fat Sesame Ginger Dressing

So this isn't going to be a long post.... this dressing is simply delicious. It is not too thick and not too thin or watery... it has a ton of flavor! It is sweet but spicy (not hot but flavorful). Please try it on salads and as a dip for veggies... I haven't tried it as a marinade but I bet it would be amazing.

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