About Me

This blog is a way for me to keep track of my New Year's Resolutions to buy one new food (and eat it eventually) every time I go to the grocery store! I hope to keep it interesting by researching facts about the foods that I buy and eat!I will also give reviews about the each food... I know this is ridiculous, but I think it might be fun :-)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


In 1928, Kraft bought out Breakstone Brothers... they made fluid milk and cheese. Kraft also acquired Phenix Cheese Company (who made Philadelphia cream cheese) and the company changed its name to Kraft-Phenix Cheese Company. The name has changed so many times over the course of the years... as they have acquired and merged with other companies. Today it is called Kraft Inc.

Check out all the brands they own today--  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Kraft_brands ( IT IS AMAZING HOW MANY COMPANIES THEY OWN)

Just recently, Breakstone's came out with 100 Calorie COTTAGE DOUBLES. There are 5 varieties, each has cottage cheese on one side and fruit on the other (Blueberry, Strawberry, Apple Cinnamon, Peach, and Pineapple).I personally love cottage cheese plain.. but not everyone does... most like it mixed in with fruit.

I bought four of the five and I decided to start with Blueberry! The cottage cheese alone just tastes like beautiful and rich cottage cheese... alone the blueberry section was way too sweet ( it was more like blueberry jam than fresh fruit). However when you take a little of the blueberry and mix it with the cottage cheese.. it is delicious and well-balanced in terms of sweet and salt flavors. YUMMY can't wait for the other flavors.... which one next?

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